A greener legal service provider.

Striving to be a greener legal service provider.
A key initiative this year is to extend our commitment to carbon neutral, and we’re delighted to share we have signed the Greener Litigation Pledge.
Signatories to the pledge make a commitment to reduce the environmental impact of dispute resolution by taking active steps to lower emissions, consider electronic alternatives and spread the word about this pledge so that others may join.
This pledge and the actions we’re undertaking represent our continued efforts to become a sustainable organisation across both eDiscovery and legal reprographic service lines.
Here are some of our ongoing initiatives and how they have helped us reduce our carbon footprint:
RECYCLE Our document destruction process safely disposes of confidential information, while recycling all shredded paper. Between September 2020 and 2021, we saved 14.2 cubic meters of landfill, 97 trees and 7.8 litres of water.
INVEST IN GREEN ENERGY Our energy provider, Good Energy supplies 100% certified renewable electricity from independent solar and wind providers across the United Kingdom.
RECYCLED RESOURCES We use 100% fully recycled and acid-free paper certified by the Forest Stewardship CouncilTM. Our paper is bought in bulk and stored onsite to reduce emissions from transportation.
SUSTAINABLE SUPPLIERS Our commitment to carbon neutral extends to suppliers who are committed to reducing their carbon footprint and implementing green policies. This includes updating our delivery and courier services to ensure the use hybrid and electric vehicles.
We are committed and will continue to minimise our environmental impact and strive to become a greener organisation.
Please contact us if you would like to discuss these initiatives.