London Legal - Coronavirus Statement

The health and wellbeing of London Legal’s employees, clients, and partners remain our absolute priority.
In light of global precautions for Coronavirus (Covid-19) we are issuing this statement to provide assurance and clarity on the procedures we have in place for dealing with suspected or confirmed cases of the virus, ensuring that we act in line with official guidance from WHO, NHS and UK Gov.
We have adopted many measures including remote working where possible, and using tele-conferencing instead of group meetings. Our City premises, where we have staff onsite for printing and scanning work, are self-contained with access restricted to London Legal personnel only. We have established strict hygiene routines upon entering the building and when handling materials, and the staff observe social distancing rules.
We are committed to carry on providing the highest level of support and service for you, our clients. Our teams are monitoring the situation as it develops for any further news or guidance and we’ll update this notice if there are changes to our own provisions or if there is anything that we feel may aid you in ensuring that you can receive the highest possible levels of support from us during this time.
If you require further clarification or information, please contact our City office or your usual London Legal contact.